Appear be hard up Shenzhen of 4 kinds of choices protects inspect bureau to suggest consumer ought to be fulfilled on schedule the obligation of pay insurance cost. 中华人民共和国渔政渔港监督管理局出现经济拮据有四种选择深圳保监局建议消费者应当履行按期缴纳保费的义务。
I hope the results of this study for the project implementation and schedule management of the life insurance information systems to have some reference role. 希望本文研究的成果对于寿险信息系统的项目实施和进度管理工作有一些借鉴的作用。
Insurance object fire risk assessment model which called Insurance Object Fire Risk Assessment Schedule, and fire risk classification method is proposed. Thirdly, floating mechanism of fire insurance rates which linked with the fire risk assessment results is established. 建立了保险标的火灾风险评价模型&保险标的火灾风险评价打分表及火灾等级划分方法。